Thursday, March 1, 2012

Excuses... suck!

Why is it so easy for our minds to make excuses and then go through the motions of acting them out? It drives me nuts because A.) I do it, and B.) I see others doing it.  Naturally, this leads me to think about the decisions (and excuses ) we make about  food.  

Lately my biggest excuse with food has been “I just don’t have enough time to cook.”  GRR. Even just looking at that sentence makes me frustrated!  My time has been greatly infringed upon this semester (I talk in terms of semesters because I’m a student) by primary time-suckers as: school, work, and exercise. Secondary time-suckers: cleaning, being social, etc. All of these things serve a purpose in my life, and they aren’t all bad, I just wish I made the choice to cook more.  Eating a plant-based diet doesn’t exactly aid in convenience when both my husband and I are “hangry” (a word we use when we’re hungry, and as a result, angry), but we’ve found some ugly food choices that are convenient and fit within (ah, sort of) our plant-based diet. It sounds a little like this “I’ll have a bean burrito, no cheese.”  Gross.  

I wanted to  post about this because it helps me get my gears going about how I can better prepare, so it takes less time to cook. I also want to hear about how others (you) make time for cooking.

So what is your excuse?


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