Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our “Dailey” Juice

After being uber inspired from watching the trailer Hungry for Change, I have decided to post our (my hub and I) juicing recipe that we try incorporate daily.

(All fruits and veggies organic and local as possible, serves 2)

8 carrots
Nickel sized (from stems) bunch of parsley
6 stems of kale
2 granny smith apples

Super simple! We like to substitute the kale for chard, as well as beets! Now, the reasoning behind what we juice and why.

Carrots – This is going to get very paradoxical Yes, they are on the higher side of sugar content, but they also regulate blood sugar! Carrots are excellent source vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, and B6. Carotenes (awesome anti-oxidants) help a long laundry list of ailments.
Parsley – Parsley is a P.O.W.E.R H.O.U.S.E!!! It’s rich in chlorophyll, vitamins A, B, C, K, folic acid and iron. The great minerals it contains are calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc etc.
Kale - Among many of its nutritional qualities, kale is high in vitamins A and K, calcium, and iron. 
Granny Smith Apples – Like the others, apples in general are high in vitamin A and pack with the lovely beta-carotene. 
Chard – Chard has many phytonutrients, with lutein being the most abundant. It’s rich in vitamins A, K, and C. 
Beets – Beets have an amazing blood cleansing property, and are loaded with the Bs: B1, B2, and B6.

We specifically juice granny smith apples because of their lower sugar content.

PS – Dailey is our last name


1 comment:

  1. Yum, send some our way ! We are still (yes, now dad has it) fighting off the upper, lower respiratory crud.
